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Playlist: O'Dark 30 episode 104 (2-52)

Compiled By: KUT

Caption: PRX default Playlist image

KUT's O’Dark 30 blows right past Thanksgiving with more of the very best from the world of independent radio production this week. Every Sunday at midnight on Austin's KUT 90.5 and also at 4pm on digital KUT2 we present 3 hours of a little bit of everything from the world of independent radio production.

Episode 104 (2-52) includes Kohn...Live Wire! Episode 164...KUT's Portrait of an Artist with 88-yr old pole-vaulter Adoolph Hoffman...KUT's Views and Brews: Early 70s Radio and the American Format Revolution...All Around Giving...Martin Luther King remembered in Bimini, Bahamas...Damsel, Distressed


From Andy Mills | 08:05

A radio story about the peculiar life and voice of Kohn Ashmore, told by Andy Mills with the sounds of Hudson Branch.

Andy Mills

Kohn_2_small A radio story about the peculiar life and voice of Kohn Ashmore, told by Andy Mills with the sounds of Hudson Branch.

Live Wire! Radio Episode 164

From Live Wire! Radio | 59:01

Current Oregon Poet Laureate PAULANN PETERSEN. Her latest book is The Voluptuary. KATE BEATON, cartoonist for The New Yorker, brings her highly anticipated new release Hark! a Vagrant. TYPHOON, coming off their national tour and appearance on the Late Show with David Letterman.

Typhoonjbaker_lw164_0340_small PAULANN PETERSEN has given readings in hundreds of spots from Powell's in Portland to Omsania University in India, from Ross Ragland Theater in Klamath Falls to the Museum Hotel in Central Turkey, and in virtually every nook and cranny of Oregon. Her poetry is featured on Trimet public transportation as part of Poetry in Motion. She frequently teaches workshops for colleges, high schools, libraries and writers' organizations.

KATE BEATON author of, Hark! A Vagrant won the 2011 Harvey Award for Best Online Comics Work. Its subjects are usually historical or literary figures..  Her work has been featured in The New Yorker.  

TYPHOON is an American Indie band based in Portland. This inspiring musical group is currently made up of 13 young and eclectic members.   They have a vibrant sound and are a true delight to hear.  They have opened for well known bands such as, The Decemberists and Explosions in the Sky.

With your host, COURTENAY HAMEISTER and the Faces For Radio and House Band RALPH HUNTLEY and THE MUTTONCHOPS. 

All Around Giving

From Salt Institute for Documentary Studies | 05:59

The Trinity Jubilee Center in Lewiston, Maine is located in one of the poorest Neighborhoods in the state. It doubles as a soup kitchen and refugee center.

Giving_small We drop in on Thanksgiving dinner and see the service a soup kitchen can provide to a community on this holiday.

Martin Luther King remembered in Bimini, Bahamas

From Jake Warga | 03:25

Just 50 miles from the coast of Florida in the Bahamas is the tiny island of Bimini. Home of the fabled fountain of youth, it was once known for it’s rum-running during American prohibition. Now Bimini is a tourist destination, a popular spot for fishing and diving. One local islander, a boat-builder and fishing guide took many notable folks out on the water through the years, including Dr. King. Ansil Saunders shares his reflections on dining with King and the boat trips he took him on.

111017_028_small Just 50 miles from the coast of Florida in the Bahamas is the tiny island of Bimini. Home of the fabled fountain of youth, it was once known for it’s rum-running during American prohibition. Now Bimini is a tourist destination, a popular spot for fishing and diving. One local islander, a boat-builder and fishing guide took many notable folks out on the water through the years, including Dr. King. Ansil Saunders shares his reflections on dining with King and the boat trips he took him on.

Damsel, Distressed

From Eric Winick | 13:10

You're locked in your bathroom. Who will save you?

Annie1_small A painting mishap tests the limits of one young writer's sanity when, newly-relocated to NYC, she becomes locked in her bathroom, with a tiny, 1' x 1' window her only means of communication with the outside world.

Story by Annie Lalla.

Presented by Yarn AudioWorks (http://www.yarnaudioworks.com).