Playlist: O'Dark 30 episode 61 (2-09)
Compiled By: KUT
KUT's O’Dark 30 is inexplicably back with the best from the world of independent radio production. Every Sunday at midnight on Austin's KUT 90.5 and also at 4pm on digital KUT2 we present 3 hours of a little bit of everything from the world of independent radio production.
Episode 61 (2-09) includes Burger Bell...Making Amends...Baptism...Dancing the Sicilian Tarantella...Brian's Story...You Don't Listen...Sara Hickman Speaks...Margaret's Golden Birthday...Footlight Parade: The Noble Working Person...I'm Not Emo...I Wake Up Holding My Alarm Clock
Burger Bell
From Mia Lobel | 03:00
This is a true story about bike commuting, theft, and making the best of a bad situation.
- Playing
- Burger Bell
- From
- Mia Lobel
This piece was originally produced for the 2007 Third Coast ShortDoc competition - a great exercise in creating a complete, sound-rich story in just three minutes.
Dancing the Sicilian Tarantella
From Rachel Louise Snyder | Part of the Global Guru Radio series | 03:00
This week the Global Guru explores the rural Sicilian cure for spider bites. Put on your dancing shoes!
- Playing
- Dancing the Sicilian Tarantella
- From
- Rachel Louise Snyder
The Global Guru is a weekly public radio spot that celebrates the oddities, the curiosities, the unknowns of global culture, particularly in countries where Americans have either single narrative story lines, like Afghanistan (war), Thailand (sex tourism), Rwanda, (genocide), or perhaps no story lines at all, like East Timor, Moldova, Malta, Lesotho, etc. Engaging and rich in sound, the 3:00 interstitial helps us connect to the vastness of human experience. Presenting station is WAMU in Washington, DC and sponsored by American University in DC. Some of our favorite past shows include: How do Cambodians predict the harvest each year? What messages do cigarettes send in Chinese business dealings? How did Tanzania become the capitol of barbershops? How and why does Thailand categorize food? What is Iceland’s most feared culinary delight? How do you track a Tasmanian devil? What are the hidden messages in Zulu beadwork?
Brian's Story
From Jake Warga | 22:52
My friend Brian and I sat on a bench one night and talked about why he tried to kill himself. He eventually succeeded.
(My first Radio story, 2001)
- Playing
- Brian's Story
- From
- Jake Warga
My friend Brian and I sat on a bench one night and talked about why he tried to kill himself. He eventually succeeded. (My first Radio story, 2001)
You Don't Listen
From The humble Farmer | 01:18
Because I’m old, my wife can no longer blame my crimes against the household on inattentiveness.
- Playing
- You Don't Listen
- From
- The humble Farmer
Because I’m old, my wife can no longer blame my crimes against the household on inattentiveness.
Margaret's Golden Birthday
From andrew walsh | 27:30
Danae wanted to get Margaret something very, very special for her golden birthday. So she planned an elaborate surprise for her. But Margaret doesn't like surprises.
- Playing
- Margaret's Golden Birthday
- From
- andrew walsh
Danae wanted to get Margaret something very, very special for her golden birthday. So she planned an elaborate surprise for her. But Margaret doesn't like surprises.
Margaret, Danae, and their friend Josh tell us the story...
I'm Not Emo
From Radio Rookies | 09:08
Like most of the kids in her school and on her block, 16-year-old Josetta Adams used to listen to hip-hop. But when she slipped into a depression, Josetta started listening to rock music and wearing skull t-shirts. Her self expression went against the norms of her family and community and she found herself a "sell-out".
- Playing
- I'm Not Emo
- From
- Radio Rookies
Like most of the kids in her school and on her block, 16 year old Josetta Adams used to listen to hip-hop music. But, when Josetta slipped into a depression, she started to listen to rock music that matched her mood. She also began painting her nails black and wearing t-shirts adorned with skulls. Her way of expressing her feelings went against the norms of her family and her community, quickly labeling her as different and even as far as calling her a "sell-out". Depression is an uncomfortable topic for anyone, but amongst an African-American family it can be taboo. Josetta is no longer depressed but she wants to figure out why her family, friends, and community have a difficult time understanding her way of expressing herself and why it's hard to talk about these feelings of sadness in her family and community.
I Wake Up Holding My Alarm Clock
From One Hello World | Part of the One Hello World series | 01:35
For all the tragedy, death, destruction and chaos in the world, I really think there is twice as much beauty.
- Playing
- I Wake Up Holding My Alarm Clock
- From
- One Hello World
For all the tragedy, death, destruction and chaos in the world, I really think there is twice as much beauty.
// That’s a really nice way of putting it. Thanks for sharing.