Comments by Daniel Ogawa

Comment for "Literal"

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Review of Literal

Interesting piece. I liked the idea behind the work, though at times, i feel like the words got in the way of the moment. Perhaps it's my unfamiliarity with certain terms or my inability to quickly grab a metaphor, but there were times i had to stop and think, "what was just said?" and I lost the moment. After a second and third listening though, the meaning came through.

The notion of looking at a desk, or at a fire and thinking about the walnut tree in all of its life's stages is very compelling. The notion of life as a cycle that starts with sunlight and ends with fire (sunlight again perhaps) was also particularly grabbing.

Comment for "On the Beach"

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Review of On the Beach

I enjoyed this piece very much. The poem, though not terribly complex, has a couple of twists that force my own thoughts in new directions. The author's voice is deep, rich, and very well measured and controlled. I especially like the way he turns a single word into a profound sentence. I am a little curious why the author has stopped to consider this moment, and why he has chosen to tell us about this moment. Was there an event that sparked his musings? Was there a person? Why does he choose to "go to sea no more?"

More please.

Comment for "How to Read This Story to Your Children"

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Review of How to Read This Story to Your Children

This piece is particularly well crafted, though I had to listen several times to understand the nature of the work. The use of metaphor and simile are engaging, though at times, I did feel as though there were too many. I think as a tool, they can help us paint a picture, but after awhile, I started trying to guess what the metaphor would be, and I lost my focus. The speaker's voice is very smooth, reassuring, calming. He intonation, inflection and timbre all leave me wanting to hear more.

One other thing, it sounds as though there's a timeshift toward the end of the piece that's a little confusing. Am I being addressed directly throughout the whole piece, or is she displaying her craft first, then offering advice?

All in all, a nice piece.

Comment for "Whistling Kettle News"

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Review of Whistling Kettle News

This is a very unusual and humorous piece. The concept straddles the line between believable and unbelievable. This straddling kept me listening; i wanted to know where the story was going to go next. Also, the interviews well well placed and well conceived.

The two strongest points for this piece are originality and thread of narrative. I liked how the writer "lead" me from the initial discovery through to the eventual understanding of the chain of events. Since this is fiction, the writer had to work that much harder.

This is a truly original and funny piece.