Rebecca Sheir

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  • Username: rsheir
  • Partner, Sheir and Shim LLC
  • Role: Producer/Reporter: Independent


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CSI Meets MFA: The Science of Detecting Forged Art (04:21)
From: Rebecca Sheir

Crime Scene Investigation in the world of fine art.
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Kosher Meets Capitalism: The Business of Shabbat (04:35)
From: Rebecca Sheir

Making the Sabbath more friendly... one innovation at a time.
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Shedding Light On Height: The Truth About D.C.'s Skyline (04:55)
From: Rebecca Sheir

Getting to the bottom of why Washington, D.C.'s building tops... are so low.
Caption: D.C.'s Octagon House is legendary for its ghostly lore., Credit: Rebecca Sheir

The 2nd Most Haunted House In D.C. (06:11)
From: Rebecca Sheir

A ghostly tour of Washington, D.C.'s second-most haunted house, where many a thing may -- or may not -- go bump in the night...
Caption: Julian Bond (right) at the March on Washington for Freedom and Jobs, with other members of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee., Credit: Julian Bond

Remembering "I Have a Dream" (05:41)
From: Rebecca Sheir

We know what history books say about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech - but what about the people who were there?