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Playlist: Fall Fundraising Soundbank

Compiled By: PRX Curators

 Credit: <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/37108241@N00/61056391/">Tracy O</a>
Image by: Tracy O 
Curated Playlist

The Fall Fundraising Season is upon us! Take a moment to check out some of the great work your colleagues are producing across the country.

The full PRX.org Fundraising Soundbank is also a great resource of station and network based production aimed at making the case of listener support to public radio. Take a listen and apply what you hear to your own station. We're all about sharing and learning from each others' success!

The Soundbank is curated by PRX Fundraising Soundbank Curator Jody Evans.

KUT Fundy ID - David Garza

From KUT | Part of the KUT Fundy IDs - Fall 2009 series | :42

KUT has produced a series of listener testimonials which give their membership drive a greater sense of community with different voices. Take a listen to the whole series. These are short and to the point and bring home the value of public radio and KUT to the Austin community.

Default-piece-image-0 David Garza has been listening to KUT for twenty years.

Bob Duncan

From NPR Fundraising | 03:11

A little glimpse behind that scenes at NPR feeds our listeners curiosity about how things work. This piece is produced like any NPR news feature - great natural sound and a story arc that has a beginning, middle and end. It makes the case of the value of listener support.





Bob Duncan is known around NPR headquarters as the man with a very important connection to NPR reporters overseas.  We listen in as he runs interference on a story from Rachel Martin in Baghdad.


How many reporters, producers, editors and engineers does it take to make great radio?  The production chain is complicated and time consuming.  It is also expensive.  NPR reporters are the most self sufficient in the business, especially when compared to TV and other media who travel with extensive staff, camera men, sound men. 


It takes people like Bob Duncan to make sure that every reporter is equipped and ready to venture out to bring us the story.  Duncan makes sure the reporter has his or her own sat phone, cell phone, laptop, wireless connection, power, and working equipment.  Duncan works around the clock so we can send out reporters with the confidence that they will be able to make their deadlines and send their stories home.  


New member testimonial 3

From Wisconsin Public Radio | Part of the Wisconsin Public Radio and Minnesota Public Radio New Member Pledge Drive Spots series | :34

Listeners can says things that we can't always say. Allowing a listener to tell their story has a powerful impact on other listeners.

Default-piece-image-0 New member testimonial - MPR

VPR Fundraising Pieces

From Vermont Public | 01:10

VPR takes the idea of an image or taste and feel promo and applies it to the membership drive. This is a great spot that uses sound from their daily public affairs program to revisit some great stories and remind listeners the value of the local connection the station provides. Think about the great audio you've put on the air at your station and turn it inot a fundraising spot!

Default-piece-image-1 Samples of VPR testimonials and feature pieces for use during pledge.

Shrink Wrapped Public Radio Pledge Spot

From WNYC | :51

This is a great spot from WNYC that could easily be duplicated in any market. It breaks down the service a listener gets from the station every day and compares it to other daily necessities.

Default-piece-image-1 Jad Abumrad asks the question: if you shrink wrapped a day's worth of WNYC programming, would you pay a quarter for it? Of course you would. That's a $100 a year pledge to WNYC. 

Radio For Music People-WTMD's Feb 2006

From WTMD | 29:48

What an incredible body of work from WTMD! These 39 spots are successful because they succinctly tell a story, evoke an emotion, and provide listeners with a way to give. The spots are well produced with relevant clips of music that could have been overdone, but weren?t. These spots range from laugh out loud funny to moving. Be sure to check out #4 Born to Run, #7 Clash and #10 Driving Music. WTMD should be held up as an example, not just for Triple-A stations, but for all of us on how to execute an effective listener testimonial.

Default-piece-image-2 These spots comprise our predrive and drive production pieces for our record breaking Radio For Music People campagin. We focused on the music is what you're supporting. WTMD is the steward of your support for music and people who make it. We added over 650 ...about 1% of our cume...new members. This was a record breaking drive. We chalk it up to staying on message and music focused. Feel Free to use/modify/steal/improve. The pieces come in two lengths. Short and long. The shorter pieces were used pre drive and during the drive to generate contributions and to set the tone of the drive. The Longer pieces were used during the drive as stand alone pitches or as intro to live pitching. We used montages of emotional comments about various artits, albums and songs. You'll hear voices from WTMD staff, members, volunteers and others. We wanted it to speak from the heart and be human. We wanted listeners to identify with the comments in an emotional connection that inspired them to think of WTMD as the station that keeps them engaged with music, art and world around them.