Comments for In the Gym, Trying to Fit In

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Produced by Brandi Kneedly and Curie Youth Radio

Other pieces by Curie Youth Radio

Summary: Sitting in the gym, watching the girls play b-ball, and trying to pretend you belong.

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How it Feels to be Lonely

The piece "In the Gym Trying to Fit in" delves into the isolation and mentality of the universal loner. The opening music evokes a feeling of despair and boredom. The tone of the narrator's voice describes a girl, slumping in the corner in order to hide herself from everybody else. Yet when someone approaches her, asking who she is here with she lies, telling them she is here with her friends down on the court playing basketball. The reality is that she only has one friend, which is her diary/notebook. This piece may not speak to the listeners who have friends and fit in, however the depiction of the girl's isolation is affective to those of who don't. The piece may speak to listeners who understand how lonliness can feel like a self-imposed cage. So, if you are one of the people inside the crowd, pass the piece over, but if you tend to stand on the outskirts, check it out.

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Review of In the Gym, Trying to Fit In

This short story is well edited. Though it's short it is also rather pointless. The female reporter describes an outcaste of high school sitting and staring. It does nothing to describe what happens after that however. And so there for I am not quite sure what to think.

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Review of In the Gym, Trying to Fit In

This story had beautiful imagery and was very descriptive. The gym sounds of course were a plus. It's very realistic in that it reveals the feeling of wanting to fit in. We all want to fit in. This was a very creative way of expressing that feeling... I think it was too short though. I was left wanting to hear more! I wanted to know more about this girl and why she had no friends? We could of delved more into the essence of who she really is...

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Review of In the Gym, Trying to Fit In

This is something that almost all of us go through - that feeling of trying to belong, the fear of getting picked last...not fitting a time when we most need to fit in with something else, because our parents are not cool...till much later.