Comments for Samuel L. Jackson en francais

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Produced by Sarah Elzas

Other pieces by Sarah Elzas

Summary: The French voice behind the image onscreen

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A Royale With Cheese

Very whimsical - yet thoughtful. Nice unnarrated, sound-rich interview with an interesting character. Superbly edited.
We were doing an episode titled "Perfect Match" & it fit right in. It actually became my favorite story of the 5 stories we aired. Worth every penny just for: "Everyone knows the story... there are snakes on thee plane!"

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Review of Samuel L. Jackson en francais

Radio that keeps talking to you after you have listened is what makes me love this medium. After listening to Thierry Desroses, his words continued to speak to me - his ideas on translation, his thoughts on how to get into the voice of a character. The transitions between French and English are well-executed and they carry the piece forward. What resonated for me the most, was the perspective shift. Language is interpreted, not transcribed. Words, although repeated, are still felt.

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Review of Samuel L. Jackson en francais

Beautiful use of juxtaposition between Samuel L. Jackson's dialog and the French translation. Thierry Desroses is an engaging talker who dwells nicely on the aesthetics of dubbing. I was particularly touched by his comments about watching the eyes of the people he portrays.

One little quibble: How did Desroses tackle the bust-out line from "Snakes on a Plane"? Something that turned on the notion that "there are f&$%(ing snakes on this f*7&$#@ing plane!" Beep the original, leave the French intact. We are, after all, the people who invented Freedom Fries, so who would know?

Just a passing thought...