Piece Comment

Review of WFUV coffee mug pitch (funny)

We could all use a good editor during the pledge drive - especially when it comes to pitching thank you gifts. Most on-air hosts can't seem to help themselves from describing every premium in minuet detail - right down to the pms colors on the mug. By pre-producing the spot, the information is concise and avoids the "home-shopping network" sound that a lot of stations suffer from during pledge drives. (Granted, this spot is suppose to sound like an infommerical!) The one element this spot lacked was a short value/case statement about the importance of WFUV. Humor is subjective and hard to pull off live, so why not pre-produce and guarantee a solid spot like this one from WFUV.
-Jody Evans, PRPD/DEI On-Air Fundraising Partnership