Comments by Anthony Hall

Comment for "Fight the Bush"

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Review of Fight the Bush

This feels like a cheap shot or several of them, but it couldn't be more stunning. The music is so wrong it's perfect, the clips so bizzare I was convinced they were lines delivered on Comedy Central. The lack of comment makes total sense. As Buchwald said, let the politicians hang themselves.
Of course, he ddn't say that. He said, why make anything up down here in Washington D.C.? All you have to do is record things correctly and the pols will keep you in stithces, anyway.
It would be unfortunate for someone to put this item under the category of humor. It should be listed as tragedy. All the more sickening because it taunts our intelligence with the possiblity that someone like this could end up on the Oval Office.
Oh yeah, it's more than a possiblity. That's too bad.

Comment for "Ode to the Cream Puff (A Jaguar XJ6L)"

Caption: PRX default User image

Review of The Cream Puff

Ok, my first review vanished into cyberspace; just where it belonged.
This peice was too smooth, too slick, too confusing. It had obvious appeal: it was chummy and glossy--Mr. Nice Guy in his moment in the sun. But bantering on the sidewalks of Seattle with Robert Redford types and dreaming of heiresses at the polo club does not give me much incentive to listen more. It's like the car: a throwaway. It just happens to be an expensive throwaway...but in the end, a Jaguar and a Chevy Sprint end up in the same recycling bin. This peice didn't need any help, but I worried about Mr. Nice guy. He should tell us about his winter beater sometime. I can relate to that.