Comments by Judy Treichel

Comment for "DIRTY HARRY - When the American Dream Became a Nightmare"

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Review of DIRTY HARRY - When the American Dream Became a Nightmare

This show was the most accurate picture of what went on in Nevada and Utah at the time of atmospheric atomic testing that I have ever heard. The people interviewed covered all of the important viewpoints and the emotion expressed by the victims needs to be heard by everyone. The Nevada Test Site remains at a state of readiness and we frequently hear hints that the government may decide, or is planning to resume nuclear weapons development and testing. Decision makers and the public they are elected to serve must be aware of this part of America's history and the lasting effect it has had on the people of the inter-mountain West. This program could be the trigger for an essential public discussion -- Exactly what is "national security?" And who decides?

Judy Treichel -- Las Vegas Nevada