Comments by Trans Atlantic

Comment for "The Emergence of Shawn Colvin: Inside "These Four Walls" "

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Review of Shawn Colvin: Inside "These Four Walls" (118:00 / 59:00 / 54:00)

Okay,I'm a Shawn Colvin fan, so you would expect me to enjoy this show, right? In fact, I usually get a little irritated when I hear my idols featured on radio shows. I fume over the banal nature of the questions asked by inane presenters, seeking only to promote their own sense of importance. I despair at the lost opportunities and imagine what I would have asked if I had been able to pose the questions.

Paul Ingles asked intelligent and thought provoking questions of a nature so personal (about the creative process) that you wondered whether Shawn would give an answer. But she more than up for it and matched the questions with honest and direct answers. We started with the new album, These Four Walls, and returned to it throughout the show - following the construction of some of the songs from initial conception to completed product. We visited each of the albums in turn and Shawn put them in the context of her life at that time.

Whatever Ms Colvin does to promote her latest album - and no doubt there will be many radio shows and many interviews - you won't hear anything as good as this.