Comments for Part 5: Press Freedoms

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This piece belongs to the series "Iran Today"

Produced by Steve Zind, Sam Sanders, John Van Hoesen

Other pieces by Vermont Public

Summary: Domestic problems are widely covered in Iran's newspapers, but there are some "red lines" journalists are warned not to cross. The red lines aren't lines, aren't always clear and many journalists have been jailed or worse.

Caption: PRX default User image

Review of Part 5: Press Freedoms

Interesting report on what constitutes 'free' press in Iran. How it integrates into Iranian society pragmatically & politically. Complex topic well-presented in human terms and easy-to-understand format. As a *relatively* well-informed American w/BA in poli sci, i know very little about this centrally important nation. I want to know more.

Sideline: Clicked on the first report in this series - when i went back to review, i realized i'd heard the 5th part. Techie issue...? I'll do the whole series - too important and interesting not to! Hopefully, in order!