Comments for Internet Communities: Virtual Reality

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This piece belongs to the series "State of the Re:Union: Season Three"

Produced by Al Letson, Tina Antolini, and Tina Antolini

Other pieces by Al Letson

Summary: At this point in the 21st century, it’s kind of impossible to talk about community-building without, at some point, talking about the internet. The way we meet people, establish connections, maintain our relationships and fight for what we believe in has been radically transformed by the web—and it’s still transforming. But often, when we’re talking about these changes, the focus is either on pure enthusiasm about the possibilities presented by the limitlessness of the web, or anxiety about online connections replacing physical ones. With this episode of SOTRU, we tell stories of the internet’s impact on community-building in human terms, on the messy level of people’s daily existence, where its effects are rarely solely positive or negative.

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My inner nerd living in my parent's basement loved this episode!

I've never heard an episode of SOTRU I didn't like, but this one is definitely my second favorite, only after the super hero episode. I am a casual Second Lifer and Redditer, I have seen everything that this story talks about. Great job getting the whole story in a snapshot.