Comments for The Wire Episode 1: Hallo, Hallo

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This piece belongs to the series "The Wire"

Produced by Paolo Pietropaolo, [redacted] [redacted], and Jowi Taylor

Other pieces by Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

Summary: First episode of The Wire, discussing the experience of music as it was affected by the invention of electricity.

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Review of The Wire Episode 1: Hallo, Hallo

Bears listening several times! Flows effortlessly through decades of history. The musical choices and the mixing are spot on. Happy Third Coast is reminding folks of this gem.

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Review of The Wire Episode 1: Hallo, Hallo

Good Look Back and Forward. Your mention of your 45 RPMs on the shelf makes me think of a few 78's I still have with nothing to play them on. Even one of the modern radio stations where I have been recently asked to do some work, no longer even has a turntable -- not to mention a reel-to-reel recorder (what's that? some may ask) but does have a couple of cart machines in Studio Z on the back lot.

I hope that a lot of stations in the United States will air your series. It seems to be not only good nostalgia for those who have been around for awhile, but good background, a good history for those born in the digital era to hear something of the progression of how audio was and is now captured.

You call your program, interestingly, "The Wire." I remember as a child actually seeing and hearing (faintly -- it wasn't that great but it did work) an old wire recorder. It was an analog recording device that actually recorded on, and played back from, a moving wire that wound from reel to reel much the way magnetic tape was later used moving past a recording/playback head. The wire was standard old thin-guage wire like you would see at many a farm (not the barbed kind -- the smooth, round single-strand steel wire). Very good job you're doing here!

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Review of The Wire Episode 1: Hallo, Hallo

Sonically beautiful - I tuned in out of interest in the subject - the origins of art and electricity - and stayed happy all the way through with the attention to compositional detail - the program would fit right in with any station combining even a bit of fresh, modern music with spoken ideas. I'm there for episode 2.

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Review of The Wire Episode 1: Hallo, Hallo

A fantastic kick-off to what promises to be a fascinating series (knowing that the second & third episodes have already recieved prestigeous awards!) Exhaustively researched, expertly mixed, and with a unique style all its own, it's the ideal topic for radio listeners young and old. From Edison's gramaphone to the latest re-mix technologyy, from Caruso to Bjork - and this is just the beginning! In this episode, of particular interest is the contoversy stirred when radio began replacing live musicians with records - labels stating "for home use only" didn't do much to help, not to mention the juke box! Can you say "I-pod" or "intellectulal property."? I wish I had the time to listen to the whole series in one sitting. But like a good book, its probably best to savor it one luscious chapter at a time.