Comments for For One Cajun Shrimper, a Journey from Despair to Defiance

Caption: Darla Rooks looks out over the oiled marshland of Bay Jimmy. , Credit: Barry Yeoman

This piece belongs to the series "GulfWatch: Stories about the ongoing effects of the BP Oil Spill from KRVS"

Produced by Richard Ziglar and Barry Yeoman

Other pieces by Richard Ziglar

Summary: It has been over a year since the Deepwater Horizon blowout, but it’s still too early to measure the complete cost of the ensuing disaster. Despite that, we do know that the BP oil spill upended lives in ways that defy quantification. Here’s the story of shrimper Darla Rooks, who lost everything but her fighting spirit.

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Takes you there

I always get the feeling with Richard and Barry that they connect completely with the people they're talking to - and that they really care about bringing the message back to the rest of us.