Comments for Sleeping in the Front Room: A Teen Evacuee's New Life in Chicago

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Produced by Carlos Maeda for Curie Youth Radio

Other pieces by Curie Youth Radio

Summary: Snippets of a teenager's life after evacuating New Orleans and starting again in Chicago

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Review of Sleeping in the Front Room: A Teen Evacuee's New Life in Chicago

If Hurricane Katrina did anything, it made us listen! We listened to the stories of those who lost their jobs, homes, families and in some cases ?sadly? their lives. In such a short moment we realize that sometime life, isn?t pretty, but it was also a time, that we started to believe in the goodness of people. Many people from across the nation sent clothes, food, water and other necessities to Katrina victims, but never really knew how much it helped. This piece is one example of how helping others, can shape the way we view the world. 17 year old Cheyenne takes us on her journey from N.O to Chicago. It?s refreshing to hear a story, with such warmth, humor and steer excitement that the only thing you can do is smile. It?s hard not to share in Cheyenne joy of being in Chicago. It just reminds us that, triumph can come out of tragedy.