Comments for This Child

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Produced by Elizabeth Yeoman

Other pieces by Elizabeth Yeoman

Summary: A woman thinks back to a turning point in her childhood.

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Review of This Child

There is an eloquent simplicity to this piece. The soft music and the direct, soft-spoken, voice of the narrator accentuate the poignancy of the story.
Told without bitterness, we get a sympathetic glimpse of the mother even as we imagine how the child must have felt.

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Review of This Child

The piece draws you in right away and effectively conveys
the storyteller's inner subjective experience of herself as
a child.

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Review of This Child

From the resonant, contemplative piano introduction, I was literally dragged into this piece. The story is riveting, and the description allows us to really be in the scene. At times I felt like the little girl in the story, and could relate to her realization. I saw many people in the mother, and appreciated the short background we got about her from the storyteller. I loved it when the music changed and opened up into a whole different mood. I feel it suggests elevation or rising up, which was very fitting for the conclusion of the piece.

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Review of This Child

In this music-backed monologue, we hear an adult woman speaking in the voice of herself as a child. She reminisces about a formative incident between her and her mother, and how it still touches her today.

This is a nice little slice of life. It about as soft a piece as you could imagine, in spite of the hard lesson it describes. It would be entertaining and engaging for the right audience in the right context.