Comments for Religious Bridges

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Produced by Julie Rose

Other pieces by KCPW Salt Lake City

Summary: Evangelical Christians learn how to convert Mormons

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Review of Religious Bridges

This piece underscores an important aspect of the evangelical and morman culture: witnessing. As far as it being a soft feature, it's perfect. It presumes that the listener undetstands why one religion would want to convert the other but frankly, I would have liked it to go deeper and explore why either side feels the need to convert the other. But then, it probably wouldn't be a "soft feature."

I really like how this piece underscores how each culture is searching for common ground, respect and acceptance for the other. As Ms. Rose states at the end of the piece: "Conversions are a bonus." Good point.

Review of Religious Bridges

This informative piece discusses the Bridges program, used by Evangelical Churches to convert Mormons by using methods that ultimately has the philosophy, 'Mormoms convert themselves'. The approach has the qualities of a Powerpoint presentation for prospective clients in business. Share information, share philosophy, and tell them why converting would bring a lot more to their lives, while never undermining their present organization. Piece successfully gives us a glimpse of the evolving techiniques of preaching.