Comments for Computers, Videos and TV: Their Effect on Children

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Produced by Barry Vogel -- Radio Curious

Other pieces by Barry Vogel

Summary: Effect on the developing brain of computers, video and television

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Review of Computers, Videos and TV: Their Effect on Children

As far as interviewing techniques, Mr. Vogel seemed to do a rather good job of asserting himself and keeping the interviewee on track. The production was a bit monotonous for me; in a half-hour long program I prefer some variation and polyphony.

But really, my objection to this piece has to do with the material presented. Although I agree with a lot of the things the guest says early on in the show, mostly concerned with brain development and environmental impact upon it, I am troubled by the certainty and vehemence of her interpretation of this information. When I list "authoritative" as one of the tones of this piece, I mean it in a rather pejorative sense, authoritarian might be more apt. Trying to make a science out of childcare, it seems to me, is not a wise thing to do. From my perspective, a bit more information and a bit less dogmatism would be an improvement here.

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Review of Computers, Videos and TV: Their Effect on Children

Vogel does a good job as an interviewer, knowing when to interrupt when the speaker rolls off on a tangent or seems about to set off beyond general listener knowledge or understanding. The subject matter is not terribly new, but the interviewee is certainly an authority and new parents will certainly stay glued. This is a telephone interview which is not tape-synched which makes it difficult to sustain 30 minutes of holding forth. vm