Comments for Walter Backerman, Seltzer Man

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This piece belongs to the series "The Radio Diaries Podcast"

Produced by Radio Diaries & WNYC's The Next Big Thing

Other pieces by Radio Diaries

Summary: When Walter's grandfather drove his cart there were thousands of seltzer men in the city; today Walter is one of the last.

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Review of Walter Backerman, Seltzer Man

Eric Nuzum is right -- for a piece to be viable for stations via PRX, it needs to be easy to use, without extraneous material. So the Dean Olsher intro here should be cut, and the identical script provided for local station staff to read. But the piece itself is such thing of beauty -- a beautiful, beautiful piece of sound and storytelling. It's masterful: disarming, and funny , and then you get this amazing truer-than-life scene between Seltzerman and an old customer. For anyone who hasn't heard this piece before, I won't spoil it with more words. Listen!