Comments for Cars, Scars and Handlebars

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Produced by Sarah Lange

Other pieces by Sarah Lange

Summary: The Life of a Bike Messenger

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Review of Cars, Scars and Handlebars

Lively, engaging look at the world of bike messengers. Perfect for biking season. Interviews conducted at Chicago biker bars, messenger bars, that is, are entertaining, as are person-on-the-street chats. Complaining pedestrians are balanced against bikers who?ve been tossed, tumbled, and near killed by buses, cars, and po?ed people. Especially amusing are the 50 year-old bike messenger who philosophically points out, ?You could die doing this interview,? and a younger messenger, recounting his interaction with a bus driver. Though it zips along wildly, like a bike messenger, at nine minutes it felt a couple of minutes too long to me.