Comments for Secrets and Noise

Piece image

Produced by Amy Conger

Other pieces by Amy Conger

Summary: Experiment in amplifying the noises that often get ignored while also hinting at some internal drama.

Caption: PRX default User image

Secrets, noise and garbage

This is a lovely work--I think.

The reason I hesitate to say so absolutely is that I haven't been able to hear it yet: every time I start playing "Secrets and Noise," a garbage truck comes by and empties the bins in the alley under my window. This has happened three times already. Perhaps I should wait until midnight--but I don't want to give garbage pick-up any ideas here. Inadvertently, "Secrets and Noise" has got me listening to this vital municipal service more closely than ever before.

Ah, now they've gone at last. Let me try one more time...