Comments for The Power of One

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Produced by Geo Beach / Tempest studios

Other pieces by Geo Beach

Summary: Poet and spoken word artist Geo Beach canvases Alaska's quirky politics -- appointed seats, nepotism, incumbency -- as a microcosm of American Democracy for "Whose Democracy Is It?"

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Review of The Power of One

Geo Beach beautifully explains Alaska's bizarre political environment to the rest of the country. "The Power of One" hits the nailhead squarely and explains, even to me, a 30 year resident, some issues that I had not even tied together, such as the fact that all three of our Congresspeople (both U.S. Senators and our lone Congressman) WERE ALL APPOINTED TO THEIR SEATS before they were actually elected by Alaskans.

I had no idea I could hear his words online, but went looking today because I just read Geo's new piece, one of the best commentaries to appear in the Anchorage Daily News on statewide politics and spending ("State Politics: Inventive Money Wasting" March 25, 2006).

The Power of One Review

Governor Murkowski is suing Gale Norton, Secretary for the Department of the Interior, to to open a long-closed trail to allow better access to mines. Historical use? Check.

I have to wonder, knowing nothing about the politics of the Land of the Midnight Sun, is Murkowski behind the recent push to recriminalize pot?

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Review of The Power of One

Alaska has always sounded interesting to me. Geo Beach pushes this further... Guvner Bushrat, political nepotism, losing to marijuana... An excellent, wide ranging commentary for those looking for commentaries, especially and obviously involving politics and the question "Whose Democracy is it, Anyway?"

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Review of The Power of One

Geo Beach is one of a kind, and in this witty commentary he riffs on democracy in the biggest state, where its practiced on an amazingly personal, small scale. Plus, you get a sense of how fragile democracy is, especially in Alaska.

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Review of The Power of One

Geo Beach is one of public radio's most provocative commentators. In "The Power of One" he not only succeeds in deftly describing the extra quirkiness of Alaskan politics but also taps into the universal theme that even one vote can make a difference. Then, he turns the tables on this cliche and makes you almost wish that wasn't the case. Thought provoking and humorous. A welcome addition to any program, especially as the next Presidential election draws near. - Joe Bev.

P.S. - Geo's piece would work very well in 2008, more so than when first reviewed this. I encourage station to run this election piece.

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Review of The Power of One

Quirky piece about quirky politicians in a, you- guessed-it, quirky place. Unless you're up on Alaskan politics, it'll be hard to do more than hang on as he rapidly fingers his way through this string of worry beads, but some images stand out. The point is to encourage the listener to VOTE, and to amuse them on the way to the message, and that it does.