Comments for Hi, I'm Jesus, With the Loan That's Right For You

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Produced by KQED

Other pieces by Merle Kessler

Summary: On e-mail from Christian Lending Services

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Review of Hi, I'm Jesus, With the Loan That's Right For You

This is a really good commentary, agile and humorous. I was taken in by the title (being a church-going man, myself). Merle hits on the contradictions many Christians, including (perhaps especially) ones like me, live in nowadays. Christian lending networks? Contradiction. Merel doesn't challenge beliefs, but challenges those who are believers and who aren't toeing the line, and Merle shows a solid grasp of the Bible.

This piece is well-done and works for Christians who know we aren't perfect and for non-Christians who wish more of us would admit that.

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Review of Hi, I'm Jesus, With the Loan That's Right For You

Merele Kessler does it again. He's comentaries are always way "not from here" but yet dead on the money. This one goes deep into the day-to-day world of the "born agains" and pulls out all the irony, for us to savor. Problem is, he's gonna gore my ox someday. Oh well, it'll probably really funny and right on.

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Review of Hi, I'm Jesus, With the Loan That's Right For You

"If you believe in the rapture, why would you need to refinance?"

Thank you Ian Shoales for investigating this SPAM. I.m not brave enough to visit those links myself.

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Review of Hi, I'm Jesus, With the Loan That's Right For You

This piece is humorous, conscise and accurately points out the irony of the increasing number of marketing schemes targeted at Christians. Though it seems to poke fun at the rapture crowd it manages to do it with as blunt a stick as possible. I think most public radio listeners would like this and pieces like it.