Comments for We Are Lane One

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Produced by Emily LaFond

Other pieces by Blunt Youth Radio Project

Summary: Emily LaFond can't handle the shame of not being the best. But an embarrassing stint on the school swim team helped her lose her ego.

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Review of We Are Lane One

Since the beginning of history, sports have defined people both athletically and characteristically. In "We Are Lane One," Emily LaFont shares her experience as a new member of the swim team. She details how hesitant she was at joining the team since she had never competitively swum before and frankly wasn't that good. Although she doesn't break any swimming records that season - she learned a lot about herself.

This radio piece about being the weakest link on a team is humorous and engaging while at the same time informative. We learn that everyone has a role on a team, even if that means cheering on the other athletes.

Even though this piece held my attention until the end, some background music or swimming pool sounds could have added a nice touch.

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Review of We Are Lane One

Do you not enjoy doing things your not the best at? Sports, for instance? If so, maybe its time you listen to Emily LaFond?s story about how her fear of not being the best was obliterated. I completely related to this story, I don?t play sports because I?m not good at them. This piece helped me realize that. Emily LaFond?s honesty made ?We Are Lane One? fun to listen to, I was captivated through the whole thing. However, some bed music would have made the piece flow a bit smoother. Overall this piece is great it makes you take a look at yourself and tells a great story.

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Review of We Are Lane One

Nothing makes a better radio commentary than a person?s most embarrassing moment. Not only does the writer have to relive their experience, but they are sharing it with whomever will listen. There is a certain quality of voice that can only be paired with this type of essay, a sort of strained painful one in that you can tell the reader is still as familiar with the way this incident made them feel as the moment that it happened. All this is present. The tone, the story constantly going down hill and the brutal honesty that is required to make the piece one of complete humiliation. This story was such an easy one to relate to and the writing sometimes veered off into very vivid descriptions that helped to push the story forward and help the listener gain more perspective into how the narrator was feeling and what they were noticing at the time. Some musical transitions or foley could contribute to the overall feeling, however it an effective commentary as is. The best part of this whole ordeal is that the swimmer never gets better or moves up out of lane one, and instead spends her time making up cheers and dances.