Comments for Pieces of a Puzzle: Chuck Close and the Gee's Bend Quilters

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Produced by Philip Graitcer

Other pieces by Philip Graitcer

Summary: Chuck Close and the Gee's Bend Quilters create works of art from tiny pieces

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Review of Pieces of a Puzzle: Chuck Close and the Gee's Bend Quilters

This is a feature on two art exhibits: one, the works of an african american senior women's quilting group, and the other of painter Chuck Close. The two coincidentally end up at the same museum, and voila, instant synergy. But listening to this production, I was scratching my head, wondering why the producer was talking about these exhibits, as they seemed to be as related as things one might see in different magazines. Five minutes into this six minute piece the museum that houses both exhibits is identified, the listener gets a sense of time, place, and connection, and the scenes begin to make some sense in hindsight but that may be too late for even the most patient of the audience.

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Review of Pieces of a Puzzle: Chuck Close and the Gee's Bend Quilters

A really interesting idea - were you the first one to suggest to Chuck Close that his grandmother's quilting might have been an influence on him?

I really like the glimpse into Close and the quilters' working styles and the choices they make on a day to day basis, though I was craving more . . . maybe just more descriptions of these inspiring artists and their works of art.

It would have been nice to have an ending that really pulled it all together. Also, the singing is great, but could have been explained or better incorporated.