Comments for Not All Bad things

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Produced by [redacted] [redacted]

Other pieces by [redacted] [redacted]

Summary: A twelve year-old's audio diary about life with a mom in prison.

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Review of Not All Bad things

I've been looking at this piece for a while and avoiding it because I just wasn't ready to go there yet. I'm glad I finally took the plunge. It's really bittersweet to me because in a number of ways Peyton is much older and stronger than a 12-year-old and in other ways she still has an innocence to her, like when she put so much store in a Thanksgiving return. The editing was well-done, very unobtrusive. And though this obviously covered a lot of ground and took a while to create it doesn't have anything slick about it and I'm thankful for that.

Why I didn't hear this on NPR first I don't really understand but it deserves to be there, if only to remind us that we don't have a lot of choices in regards to our upbringing but we do have choices in how we deal with it and in what we decide to take from it. Peyton doesn't want to be forgotten and she won't be.