Piece Comment

Review of Pimp my PC! Portrait of a LAN Party

Lan parties! Man, I am getting old! This sounds so foreign to me. BYOC means bring your own computer, so that you can hook up to a computer network and play an interconnected video game with thirty co-horts. Aaron Henkin does a great job of capturing the sense of the what these gamers are seeing, hearing, and doing.

It's an odd conflagration of gleeful kill-or-be-killed game playing and my-computer-is-faster-than-yours computer geekdom.

This is a terrific longer-form news feature. Henkin acts as our tour guide, stepping into this alien,sci-fi, world bravely talking "some serious smack" with this new breed of video gamer afficianado. As an uniformed onlooker, I loved this piece. It did that thing that Public Radio is supposed to do. It educated me on something I would otherwise have no reason or prediliction to learn about. Do your listeners a favor and find a nine minute block to slip this into. If you don't, may they find talk some serious smack about you! Cheers Aaron, great job.