Piece Comment

Review of Welcome Baby Max

Sarah Baughn lies in bed, telling us her feelings in regard to her upcoming birthing. She has some difficulty due to gestational diabetes, and she worries about the challenges ahead. We accompany her as she and her husband Eric go to the doctor for an antipartum audiogram to listen to the baby's heartbeat.

She considers inducement of labor. The technical, logistical, and emotional ride she's on is evident with every word. This is first-person essay in action, in process, and very intimate. "That's when I knew I was going to have a pretty unusual birth." she says at one point, and she takes us with her through the doors of the hospital natal unit.

She gives birth to Max, a healthy baby boy, after a hairy event following a petosin injection to induce labor. His gaffs and gurgles are the sound of triumph for the piece, and for Sarah.

It's a short, richly recorded, piece that takes the unusual direction of putting the microphone in the hand of the guest, who is also the producer. Nicely done. A unique voice easily finding home in any news broadcast or narrative programming.