Piece Comment

Review of Shawn Colvin: Inside "These Four Walls" (118:00 / 59:00 / 54:00)

I found this to be an amazingly honest look at one artists' creative process, from singing nonsense syllables and letting the sub-conscious fill in the blanks over hours or months, to "...ripping off.." pieces of other musicians melodies and taking them in a different direction, to building the songs collaboratively with others while recording in the studio.
Her reflections on melancholy and how it affects her work were thought provoking: I mentally ran through my favorite songwriters work and could see which ones fit that description and which ones were writing from a more objective point of view. Instead of feeling like a spectator at a musicians zoo; I felt like a fellow patient at someones psychotherapy session, someone really interesting, creative, and honest.
The interviews have substance: you find out how her songs are written by listening to her write pieces of them, you witness an album being made from start to finish, and how the reactions of others to new songs affects her choices on what to play, record, or work further on.
Shawn Colvin's creative process, as revealed here, is a perfect allegory for life.
I couldn't stop listening, and the two hours went by in a flash, leaving me wishing for more.