Piece Comment

Review of Silence

I enjoyed this piece because it had the two necessary parts of a good story, according to Ira Glass: 1. Story moves along in an interesting way, 2. Self reflection. The overlap between the two speakers is interesting to listen to; however, I would have liked to hear more structure to their story.
I liked the discussion of silence, especially because it was presented through a medium that relies entirely on sound. People who are drawn to radio are typically audio-focused. I like how I can listen to something that transports me outside of myself, experiencing and, in part, creating it within my mind. Visual entertainment does not feel that personal. It's this highly personal, auditory medium that mirrors the absence of sound, paradoxically. As I am able to lose myself within radio, silencing my thoughts and voice, he loses that part of himself in silence. It's a piece that makes you think about the nature of speech and noise, and is refreshing to hear.