Piece Comment

Review of This I Believe - Pledge Spot #1

Jay and his team have applied excellent production values to these fundraising spots. Stations and producers often forget that your fundraising production has to be held up to the same standards as the rest of your station?s air product. Starting the spot the same way the weekly segment starts grabs the listener before they realize it?s a fundraising spot!

The construction of this spot is a good model for stations to use in re-purposing great content during a pledge drive. It starts with Sarah Adams proclamation that you should ?be cool to the pizza delivery dude? and then Jay does a quick summary and then returns to Sarah for the meat of her essay.

The audio makes the case and Jay eloquently makes the close. He illustrates the transactional relationship between listeners giving their thoughts generously to "This I Believe" and now asking them to give to public radio, reminding them how much they?ll get in return.

Jody Evans - PRPD/DEI On-air Funraising Partnership