Piece Comment

Review of The Kids Who Got Out - My Graduation Day

Sometimes you find exactly the story you're looking for.

We just produced an hour-long talk show about how to improve high schools around the country. There's about a thousand plans out there...from college-level courses in high school, to year-round classes, to more testing...and, as in this case, versions of the California exit exam.

This student's well-written personal essay clearly filled the bill for a follow up segment we want to do...but it's more than just timely.

This story is compelling, and moves quickly, stopping to ruminate only where warranted.

As I think we often set the bar too low for high school grads, we also set the bar too low for much youth-produced journalism.

This story smoothly pole-vaults over the high expectations of professional radio.

Airing on WNPR's Where We Live on June 21.