Piece Comment

Review of Grass Fed Beef

A 12-minute piece that moves along FAST. I enjoyed listening to this vaildation of conscious consumption, and I think others who think about what they eat would as well. Certainly, it's clear that the producer feels strongly about the value of sustainable farming and avoiding GMOs. I think that's both a strength and a weakness of this carefully constructed piece.

An effort was made to get the "big ag" perspective into this, with in-person quotes from a "corn-fed cattle" guy. But it gets buried under an avalanche of contrary perspectives, and that leaves the story feeling a bit imblanced to me. The perspectives of economics and mass-marketing are touched on but ultimately glossed over. I already sympathize more with the family farmer going into the story, and I don't learn too much about why that's so great, other than the understanding that I already had before listening. I expect lots of public radio listeners are something like me in that regard.

Still, this is a well-produced piece, there's no phone tape, lots of farm tape, and I enjoyed listening to it.