Piece Comment

Review of Elephants and Sex

Very good piece, collected and conceived and fashioned together by a real pro with a long track record of work that is anything but ordinary. It’s a bit from the Michael Moore school in the sense of – you have something you want to say, and you work around that piece of dirt until you have your pearl. This piece is essentially comedy – but like all great comedy it’s dead on true and therefore deadly serious. (PS Karen Michel was doing her thing long before any of us had heard of MM. And then there’s the totally unbalanced Harry Shearer, whose podcast I never miss.) Was this piece censored? Surely. If I concentrate I can just channel the discussion that went on about pride in “balanced reporting.” The USA is, I think, the only country that holds to the dream that its media is balanced. I don’t think it’s working anymore. It’s broke. Someone fix it! In the meantime, I’m sure this piece can find a home in many places. Put some more out there, KM.