Jeff Forester & Jeremy Lerman

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  • Username: Forester


Caption: "Biloxi Stabbing," Produced by Jeremy Lerman & Jeff Forester

Biloxi Stabbing (15:28)
From: Jeff Forester & Jeremy Lerman

Biloxi, Mississippi, 3 a.m. The attackers advanced from the dark. The violence was sudden, intense. Forester's cheek, nose and two ribs were broken. A fourteen-inch knife ...
Caption: "Biloxi Stabbing," Produced by Jeremy Lerman & Jeff Forester

Biloxi Stabbing (15:28)
From: Jeff Forester & Jeremy Lerman

Biloxi, Mississippi, 3 a.m. The attackers advanced from the dark. The violence was sudden, intense. Forester's cheek, nose and two ribs were broken. A fourteen-inch knife ...