
  • Username: ptskahill


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Proud to be a Nerd (03:25)
From: Connecticut Public (WNPR)

There's a tipping point in every nerd's life - the moment they accept it's cool to be, well ... uncool.
Caption: iPhone, Credit: Flickr Creative Commons, Gonzalo Baeza Hernández

There's No Miss Manners for the iPhone (03:00)
From: Connecticut Public (WNPR)

Essayist Tracy Wu explains why we need an Emily Post for the digital age ...
Caption: Blacksmith Bill Scheer holds several crafted harpoon points, Credit: Patrick Skahill

Vanishing Craftsmen: The Blacksmith (03:05)
From: Connecticut Public (WNPR)

Technology and a lack of demand changed blacksmithing into a specialized trade.
Caption: Clockmaker Ray Pavkov works in his shop, Credit: Patrick Skahill

Vanishing Craftsmen: The Clockmaker (03:10)
From: Connecticut Public (WNPR)

One craftsman is disposing of our throwaway culture - one clock at a time.
Caption: Clockmaker Ray Pavkov works in his shop, Credit: Patrick Skahill

Vanishing Craftsmen: The Clockmaker (03:10)
From: Connecticut Public (WNPR)

One craftsman is disposing of our throwaway culture - one clock at a time.