Becky Palmstrom

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  • Username: Beckilina
  • PRX Member
  • Role: Producer/Reporter: Independent


Caption: A pastor at a Southern Sudanese church in a refugee camp in Kenya., Credit: Becky Palmstrom

Southern Sudanese in Kenya vote for a new country (05:18)
From: Becky Palmstrom

As the newest country in the world celebrates, Becky Palmstrom travels to Kenya to hear the prayers and songs of the refugees waiting to return to their homeland.
Caption: A woman prays at Shwedagon Pagoda in the centre of Yangon, Myanmar., Credit: Christopher Davy

Musings on a censored newspaper. (04:07)
From: Becky Palmstrom

With the release of the Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi in November 2010, Becky Palmstrom reflects on her time spent working for a censored newspaper in ...
Caption: Scisa Rumenge at home in Kakuma Refugee camp, Kenya., Credit: Becky Palmstrom

Profile of a musician in a refugee camp in Kenya. (04:07)
From: Becky Palmstrom

Scisa Rumenge is a Congolese musician living in Kakuma Refugee camp in the north of Kenya. He taught himself to play guitar in the camp and sings about his life in Congo and ...
Caption: Photograph of the first fraternity on the West Coast.

Digging up the West Coast's first fraternity (04:10)
From: Becky Palmstrom

It turns out fraternities are not just popular in pop culture, but are as old as America itself. Dr Laurie Wilkie and Dr Grahaeme Hesp offer a historical perspective on why ...
Caption: PRX default Piece image

Talking with the dead: One on one with Ireland’s most famous psychic (05:10)
From: Becky Palmstrom

Sandra O’Hara is a psychic channeller from Ireland. Becky Palmstrom gets more than she bargained for in a one-on-one interview. They discuss Sandra’s role in police ...