The Friendship Series

Series produced by Tessa Krone

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What is friendship? Can it be a short-term event? What about friendships later in life? Should romantic friendships be treated completely differently?

It is not always easy to answer these and the many other questions we are tackling in 2023. Our Friendship Series is intended to tackle all of these issues. And many many more.

Join us on this journey by listening to some or all of the podcast episodes below. And bookmark this page as we will be adding to this series with some frequency.

The Open Nesters
You barely remember your life before it was dedicated to the kids. Now you realize your kids are becoming adults who either are or will soon be on their own. And so will you. You are a middle-aged (or beyond) empty nester, and you begin wondering…

How Will You Write ACT III Of Your Life?
Will You Be Open?
Will You Welcome The Possibilities?
Are You Going Toward Your Most Vibrant, Authentic Stage Of Life?
Are You Curious To Discover What’s Ahead?
Are You In A Fork In The Road, Wondering Which Path To Follow?
Separated From Your Spouse And Adult Kids And Wondering What’s Next?
Would You Like To Hear From Others Who Are Already Writing ACT III?

We are the Open Nesters. We are the Baby Boomers and Gen X’ers who reject the traditional roles that our parents played and the empty nest syndrome. We defy the stigma of ageism, ailing health, empty retirement, and passionless sex life. Hide full description

Join us on this journey by listening to some or all of the podcast episodes below. And bookmark this page as we will be adding to this series with some frequency. The Open Nesters You barely remember your life before it was dedicated to the kids. Now you realize your kids are becoming adults who either are or will soon be on their own. And so will you. You are a middle-aged (or beyond) empty nester, and you begin wondering… How Will You Write ACT III Of Your Life? Will You Be Open? Will You Welcome The Possibilities? Are You Going Toward Your Most Vibrant, Authentic Stage Of Life? Are You Curious To Discover What’s Ahead? Are You In A Fork In The Road, Wondering Which Path To Follow? Separated From Your Spouse And Adult Kids And Wondering What’s Next? Would You Like To Hear From... Show full description

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The Open Nesters launches a new initiative that will dominate the winter of 2023. As you may have heard in our end-of-year podcast we are turning o...

  • Added: Feb 01, 2023
  • Length: 30:08