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Playlist: carrie brennan's favorites

Compiled By: carrie brennan


i'm a big fan of city high school - and city high radio!

My Best Friend is Purple

From City High Radio | 05:33

A is seventeen years old, and she doesn't care if you think it's strange that she finds life easier in the company of her purple stuffed rabbit, Grape Jelly.

Grape_jelly_small A is seventeen years old, and she doesn't care if you think it's strange that she finds life easier in the company of her purple stuffed rabbit, Grape Jelly.
This is a sweet, simple love story. The producer wrote and recorded all the ukulele music in this piece herself!

What do you wanna be when you grow up?

From City High Radio | :48

"What do you wanna be when you grow up?" Vox-pop

Me_age_3_and_dood_small Pieces of interviews of people telling me what they want to be when they grow up.

Growing Up With Epilepsy

From City High Radio | 09:34

A teenager explains what it's like to grow up with epileptic seizures. Gaining independence is hard work.

Bee_in_globe_mallow_small A teenager tells her story of growing up with the serious disorder, epilepsy. She interviews her mom and dad with emotional responses and tells her own memories and feelings about the future. She also describes her struggle with independence as a result of the epileptic seizures.

Childhood Memories

From City High Radio | 05:11

Noa asks people, "What is your favorite memory from childhood?" She expects happy memories, but finds that most people aren't interested in talking about those...

Me_in_kiddie_pool_small Noa asks people, "What is your favorite memory from childhood?" She expects happy memories, but finds that most people aren't interested in talking about those...

Broken Love.

From City High Radio | 03:54

A third person account of heartbreak.

7830_172268999936_606634936_3624682_4855581_n_small Jessie Birdman, a junior at City High School, tells this moving story of heartbreak. The piece is beautifully written and told in the third person.

Postcard from the Train Tracks

From City High Radio | :56

Greetings from the train tracks in Tucson, AZ

Default-piece-image-1 Two high school girls hang out at the train tracks and talk about trains and life.

Accepting Me

From City High Radio | 05:25

Teen Sexuality in High School

Default-piece-image-1 It's amazing to see how easy it was to come out to my closest friends and family. I had spent so much time worrying about what others might think, but in the end, everything turned out well and I'm a happier person because of it.


From City High Radio | 03:35

A teenager describes what it's like to grow up without a mother

City High Radio

Airplane_val-angie_small Priscilla feels like she's grown up without a mother, even though her mother lives in the same town.