Comments for Maurice Sendak on Being a Kid

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This piece belongs to the series "Blank on Blank"

Produced by David Gerlach and Amy Drozdowska

Other pieces by Blank on Blank

Summary: "I still think the same way I thought as a child. I still worry. I'm still frightened... Nothing changes." - Maurice Sendak In 2009 Newsweek's Andrew Romano and Ramin Seetodeh interviewed Sendak. They wrote a great article. But no one had ever heard the poignant conversation. Until now.

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I really loved this piece. Sendak's artistic genius is well known, but hearing this philosophy was new to me. His keen and respectful insight into the difficulties of childhood: the fear, fragility, resilience, and sadness of growing up. This piece made me appreciate Sendak even more than I did before. Beautiful work.