Comments for A Shortcut To The Mountaintop

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This piece belongs to the series "Shortcuts"

Produced by Peter Bochan

Other pieces by Peter Bochan

Summary: Martin Luther King, Jr. Tribute Mix

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Review of A Shortcut To The Mountaintop

A touching musical tribute to an iconic figure, simply but beautifully mixed with archive sound of his greatest speeches. It's only minor drawback is a fairly predictable structure. But that doesn't really detract from the moment to moment pleasure for the listener. Perfect for birth and death anniversaries, Black History month, or anytime, really. It's important to be reminded of the power of King's voice, his vision, and his humanity.

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Review of A Shortcut To The Mountaintop

A half-hour of stirring words and very fitting, pleasurable music - Peter has chosen a great sampling of King's speeches that are definitely NOT going to be the same ones that will heard on every TV newscast in the nation in this season. You're thinking, he said THAT? and oh, yes yes he certainly did. We mustn't ever forget. Here's to Dr. and Mrs. King, forever.

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Review of A Shortcut To The Mountaintop

Martin Luther King speech excerpts set to music. This really grabbed me, expecially the speeches I'd never heard. An interesting way to experience history.