Comments for Toilet Paper Scrap Chronicles Civil Rights Ordeal

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Produced by Brian Bull

Other pieces by Wisconsin Public Radio

Summary: A six-foot piece of jail-grade toilet paper from 1963 captures Civil Rights struggle

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Still worth Hearing

This story was produced five and a half years ago, but I still found it very compelling.

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Review of Toilet Paper Scrap Chronicles Civil Rights Ordeal

Very well done historical piece done in first person storytelling with archival material and a reading. From the first tease of how toilet paper made history, this is a compelling short piece about one of the episodes the civil rights movement. The story is told through one of the hundreds of people arrested during a voter reistration drive. She wrote a letter chronicling this effort while jailed in Louisiana. Producer Brian Bull has done an outstanding job producing a textured and intriguing piece. I highly recommend it for airplay during Black History Month.