Rose Eveleth

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  • Username: RoseEveleth
  • Producer
  • Role: Producer/Reporter: Independent


Caption: These students are protesting against fee hikes in California, but it might be how they're protesting that makes the difference., Credit: Rose Eveleth

Repeat after me (07:01)
From: Rose Eveleth

Chances are you’ve chanted before. Whether you were in the streets protesting, at church praising, or just in your living room rooting for your favorite team, there’s ...
Caption: These glowing numbers might have more power over you than you think., Credit: Samantha Celera; Flickr

Is that my cell phone ringing? (06:05)
From: Rose Eveleth

Ah, the cell phone. That magical device that can text, tweet, check email, make appointments, keep our calendar organized, order food, calculate the tip, keep us on the right ...
Piece image

Tumbling along (07:33)
From: Rose Eveleth

Meet the world's most successful tumbleweed saleswoman.
Caption: These earthquake lights were observed minutes before the deadly 8.0 magnitude earthquake in Sichuan, China in 2008., Credit: YouTube

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s … an earthquake? (07:00)
From: Rose Eveleth

For hundreds of years there have been reports of strange lights during earthquakes, now scientists are trying to figure out what they are.