Piece Comment

Review of Talking 2 Sophia

Reading through Michael Johnson profile, his credentials speak for themselves. But in this touching, if not a bit troubling interview with his two-year-old daughter, Sophia, we also get to learn a bit about Michael as a concerned parent. The events of September 11th touched most of us, especially for those who watched it live on TV, like I did. I often wonder what the impact of violent news has on children, and this short segment gave me a real feel for how a toddler interprets what we adults so often tune out. What struck me most about the reaction of Sophia was the playful abandonment portrayed about a subject that is totally incomprehensible to a young child, not to mention most adults. About how her description of "the New York people" morphed into "the die people." Add Michaels top-notch introspective, and this is radio at it’s best!