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Playlist: Roving Philosophical Reports

Compiled By: Devon Strolovitch


Where the rubber meets the road.

Roving Philosophical Reports (Series)

Produced by Devon Strolovitch

Most recent piece in this series:

Saint John Coltrane Church

From Devon Strolovitch | Part of the Roving Philosophical Reports series | 04:32


Worship is the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for something. The attitude of worship towards God or gods or ancestors is a universal of human culture. But why do we worship?  Do objects of worship need to fulfill certain criteria? Does worship play a positive or negative role in human culture? Is it clear that a perfect, omnipotent and omniscient God truly wants to be worshipped? Some pagan religions worship the earth, or the aspects of nature that make human life possible and rewarding. Does this make more sense than worshipping an imperfect God? John and Ken express their reverence with Daniel Speak from Loyola Marymount University.