Comments for The First and Original 1971 Music Package for All Things Considered - Don Voegeli

Caption: Don with the little Putney synthesizer, 1970, Credit: UW-Madison Archives

This piece belongs to the series "The Works of Don Voegeli"

Produced by A. Emily Ralph

Other pieces by Wisconsin Public Radio

Summary: As part of our efforts to preserve the music of Don Voegeli, we bring you almost all of the 1971 original “music package” created for National Public Radio’s All Things Considered. This package features the first of two ATC themes he wrote, along with buttons used between program segments for transitions or punctuation. ATC used this first theme and these buttons (and subsequent buttons he sent to NPR) until 1976. These pieces are monaural, which is how ATC was originally broadcast when it took to the air in 1971. They are cleared for use by and for public, non-commercial radio, TV and media.

Caption: PRX default User image

Is there an echo in this playlist?

Just so you know, tracks 18 and 22 appear to be the same track. Same with 25 and 29... as well as 23 and 16. Not to mention 6 and 28. And... wait for it... 19 and 24! One set of duplicate tracks I can abide (barely), but FIVE?? I don't think I'm remiss in believing that Don deserves better treatment. (While I'm on the subject... why is the playlist out of order?) I'm retaining the 5 stars because, hey, it's Don Voegeli, after all; but you really need to do better.